The missions of not-for-profit organisations often extend beyond geographic borders, as does the relevance of the content, programmes and services these organisations produce. And the desire for professional development and engagement that are truly global in nature has never been greater.

Strategy Compass works with institutes, professional societies and trade associations based in the United Kingdom and Canada who wish to explore what market opportunities in North America may look like. Based on our market sizing solutions, we help the executive leaders at these organisations to:

  • Assess their existing portfolio of programmes, content, products and services.

  • Identify components of this portfolio that have meaningful value beyond the organisation’s home country.

  • Understand current customer segmentation and engagement with these portfolio components, including any existing engagement within North American markets.

  • Baseline the organisational level of effort to acquire and serve existing customers.

  • Leverage relevant market and economic data from both public and proprietary sources to quantify:

    • Potential market sizes in Canada, Mexico and/or the United States, and

    • Potential market need for the organisation’s programmes, products and services.

  • Research and assess both direct and indirect competition for these market opportunities.

  • Calculate realistic scenarios for obtaining available market share.

Our goal is not growth for the sake of growth, but to help our clients understand where they may expand their delivery of value to relevant customers and constituents, and how they may enhance value for the organisation through revenue and mission engagement.

We work with our clients to formulate hypotheses on specific industry segments with strong mission alignment, and allow the data to guide us to the right solutions, whether those be a new market entry strategy, re-focusing existing programmes, or the exploration of partnership opportunities with North American organisations with complementary missions.

For additional information and to explore what opportunities in North America may look like for your organisation, please contact our Principal Consultant, Sean Conaton.